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Canterbury Playgroup

Fridays from 09:30 to 11:15 am

The Canterbury playgroup will continue (starting Aug. 26th 2022 as per the Stadt Zurich school calendar) every Friday at a new location here in the Gemeinschaftsraum of our lovely Hornbachsiedlung. We are looking forward to welcoming you and enjoying other time with our little ones 😊 The playgroup will be held
in English, any level of English speaking is welcome! 


You can join the whatsapp group via this link:

At the moment we have 3 volunteers Katharina Dreizler,⁩ Keiryn Addison⁨ and myself, Anna von Siebenthal, from the Hornbach community. We are looking for 1-2 other parents who are interested in volunteering. Please let me know. It isn't any 'work' at all. It's just to have backup ladies to open up and close the play room. After that everyone (as usual) helps out anyway ☺️

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